flowers Kristina Wood flowers Kristina Wood

Floral Arrangements

When Debbie asked if I would take some photos of her flower arrangements, I was delighted.  She did all the centerpieces for the holiday part at David's work.   I was lucky enough to get to take one home.  You can see it here.  She does such lovely work!  When I arrived at her home for this shoot, she told me it would feel like a flower workshop.  There were tons of unique flowers everywhere.  And lots of vintage tea cups and teapots.  (So fun!) I asked Debbie how long she had been arranging flowers.  She said she had always loved flowers and in the last several years started doing craft shows and weddings on the side.  Her passion and talent definitely show through!  She was preparing these arrangements for a show before Mother's Day and asked me to come capture her favorites.  I think they are just delightful!

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