Kristina Kristina

family silhouette

We've been having some beau-ti-ful weather lately.  Balmy.  Lovely.  Think warm sunshine, flip-flops and open windows kind of weather.  I love it!  I know you're jealous, but I have to document these things to remind myself that living in Florida is not-so-bad.

Anyway, we took advantage of it, and went for a family walk over the weekend.  It was great.  I forget how much I love being outside.  I have become a hermit since living in Orlando simply because most of the time it's so stinkin' hot I can't stand it.   There are many more photos to share, but for now, here's my new favorite of our family:  a little silhouette action.


And, I'm just in time to play along with Emily's "Embrace the Camera" game.  Well, it's not really a game, but it's sure fun!

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