the effects of the mamma-razzi

It's so nice when the girls play together in their room.  They just don't have enough time to enjoy each other anymore now that they're in school all day!  They were excited for some down time alone when little Z and I thought we should go take a lookey-lookey and find out what was so fun.


Upon knocking and entering, we were not greeted so warmly.  I think we were crashing their party.

It must be hard living with the mamma-razzi.  I mean, who wants each and every moment of their life documented? Miss M didn't mind letting me know how she felt about me snapping away.

"Leave us alone!  We want to play with our ponies in peace!!"

Little Z was of course, fascinated by all the new toys.  Miss A was mildly annoyed, but Miss M immediately scrambled up for a piece of paper and began furiously writing something down.

After a few minutes, we were ousted out of the girls' room.  Well, technically I was the only one being ousted out, but where I go, little Z follows.

This sign was promptly posted on the door as it was firmly shut behind us.

Hmm...I think they want a break from me and my camera.  Or maybe they just miss each other and don't want me crashing their party to take photos of them.  Poor girls.  They'll have a well documented life to thank me for one day.

On a side note, thanks for all of your nice FB comments yesterday telling me that you enjoy this blog!  They really do make my day.  It is a fun way to keep in touch with friends all across the country, get to know new friends and deepen existing relationships.  So, thank you for some feedback!  It's nice to have a little encouragement every now and then :-)

no more acorns, please?


repurposing a large frame: diy