falling leaves
Floridians are seriously lacking in the seasons, so we have to make up our own. Down in the town of Celebration, which is very near Disney, they throw a "falling leaves" festival. Or should I say falling pieces of paper? It's pretty remarkable that they turned this idea into an event!
We had a few minutes to spare before the big event, so the girls had some fun of their own, scooping up the "leaves" and tossing them in the air.
Check 'em out: tissue paper "leaves."
We had a few minutes to spare before the big event, so the girls had some fun of their own, scooping up the "leaves" and tossing them in the air.
Still a few minutes to spare, so we checked out this fountain. More fun, running around, balancing on the edge...and giggling.
Just to prove David and I were there too.
Here I am, why you always sticking that big black thing in my face, Mom?
And, the moment we've all been waiting for: falling "leaves." Yay!
Umm, okay, that was fun. It's over already?
It was festive, at least, and we really did have fun. There was a free hayride too, but somehow we missed this. Next year, maybe!