it's been 11 years, baby!

I'm a little late on this post, but when you've been married for 11 years, what's one more week?
Wow, eleven years ago, David and I married each other.
I don't think either of us had any idea what we were getting ourselves into. (insert chuckle)

Seriously, but who does? 
Marriage is hard work.
Lots and lots of hard work.
It forcing me to be honest, and to take a long hard look at myself.
But, even after all these years, I would still say "I do."  
I really would.
Because without David, I wouldn't be who I am today.
For better or for worse.
But, mostly for better.
I really love that man, faults and all.
And, he really loves me.

I love that we are learning and growing together.
We struggle and fight together.
We laugh and cry together...
And sometimes apart too.

We can have fun together.
We get carded while walking into concerts together.
We love to eat Chinese food together.
We love to go to the beach together.
And, we look good together, don't you think?

Happy Anniversary, David.  
Sorry, I never got you a card, but this post is for you.
And, I'm sure it's much better than some cheesy card
I could buy at the store.


the caterpillar story


dress rehearsal day