sleeping girl

I'm a little nostalgic, I think. Or maybe it's denial. But, my baby is going to be four years old in August. I really can't believe it. It makes me a little sad, ok, maybe a lot sad. And I still have three months to ponder this. Maybe it's because one of her little friends is turning four tomorrow. I'm a bit in shock. And, today, as we were walking home from the swimming pool, M asks me out of the blue how many times I can get "praagnant." WHAT? Where would she hear this? And why would she ask me this? I don't think she had a clue what she was asking, but still. I never really answered her question. So, here is A in her crib-converted-toddler-bed. Yes, we really need to buy her a big girl bed. Definitely on or before her 4th birthday.

Oh, and, yes I DID plan for the first photo in the post below to look like it was on her head. Pretty cool, huh?

happy anniversary!


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