the beach

I really LOVE going to the beach. We are so blessed to live only 40 minutes away. It was just the girls and I on Saturday. I told them that if they played nicely together in the morning, we would go to the beach in the afternoon. I think we finally left the house around 2:30pm. Kinda late, I know! By the time we got there, it was clouding over and really cold.

M decided it was perfect weather to hunt for seashells and was loving finding little "beach lagoons" in which to wash them off.

I'm a sucker for photos of hands and feet. I had fun playing around with some black and white convesions of these. What do you think?

An hour after we arrived, it stated to rain. Yep, rain. Poor A was freezing and walked back to the car whimpering with her head all covered up. We still had a great time, though. I can't wait to go back on a nicer day.

being crafty


a party